Staff - Information Technology (IT)
Jason "nulldevice42" DeCamp's journey with computers and electronics began at the age of seven. Growing up, he was greatly influenced by his stepfather, who worked in the computer and communications divisions of several major electric companies, and his grandfather, who contributed to the development of analog computers for NASA's Gemini and Apollo programs.
At 13, Jason owned his own oscilloscope, a rare possession for someone his age. His passion for computers and networking deepened when he was 19, leading to his first salaried position at 21. In 1998, Jason picked up his first Linux distribution, an OG Redhat on a $5 CD from eBay, and has since developed his expertise with the OS over 26 years.
Jason has successfully run numerous game servers, attracting thousands of monthly players. At Good Game Family (GGF), he supports our game servers and provides technical assistance to users experiencing issues. You can reach him via DM on the GGF Discord.
Mostly playing D4, Jason always has a Discord window open on his other monitor. He's also adept at getting games like D4 to work on Apple Silicon Macs or x86_64 Linux systems, as well as Steam Decks using the launcher.
See you in-game or on Discord!
"Racism isn't born, folks, it's taught. I have a two-year-old son. You know what he hates? Naps! End of list" - Denis Leary